About Us

Bringing the 'magic' of science to human experience

Touchstone Evaluations, Inc. was founded in November 2008 as an independent product evaluation and research laboratory. We are unique in several ways – (1) in placing humans at the center of a design-and-test process that spans products, people, and their experiences, (2) in our systematic application of objective and scientifically-established findings and methods, and (3) in our belief that technology solutions can be found which NOT ONLY enable people to perform effectively, but which also lead to appealing human experiences, and ultimately to product success in the marketplace.

Our Mission

The Touchstone mission is to help companies understand the effects of products on people, including products to test the effects of certain illnesses, injuries, or treatments on people -- so that this information may be used by manufacturers toward improved products and experiences, by people toward smarter choices, and ultimately may contribute in a positive way toward quality of life for us all.

Our People

Touchstone founders are distinguished by their:
(1) Scientific Expertise – They are award-winning scientists from cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience, biomedical engineering, and human factors -- with significant and unique experience developing, validating, and applying techniques within a structured framework at a large automotive manufacturer. (Together, they have more than 85 years between them in the automotive industry). The early work of the Touchstone team (including publications and patents) led the way toward a number of industry developments, including innovations in key human factors methodologies. We bring the ‘magic’ of science to human experience.
(2) Commitment. The Touchstone staff cares deeply about the search for innovative solutions which will help businesses design products that more effectively meet the needs of their human consumers. We are committed to rigorous technical work, maintaining objectivity and independence in evaluations, and being responsive to customer needs.

Our Location

Touchstone is located in the Detroit-metro area of Michigan, where it can learn about the newest trends in the automotive arena, both in terms of technology and human behavior in the vehicle. It is also a rich environment for consumer products, and medically-related applications. Touchstone is headquartered within the TechTown Business Incubator (of the Wayne State University Research and Technology Park), a catalyst for innovation.

Contact Us Today!

443 Moran Rd

Grosse Pointe, 48236

Phone: +1 0313 8812488 +1 0313 8812488

E-mail: angell.linda@gmail.com

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